​​​​ Panic Attack | Symptoms of Panic attacks - Anxiety Melbourne Clinic Anxiety Clinic Melbourne

Panic Attack & Symptoms

A panic attack is one of the most debilitating experiences you can have. The rational logical mind gives way to the irrational illogical part of the mind. The experience is commonly known as the flight, fight or freeze mechanism.

The experience usually starts as anxiety, the uncomfortable feeling coming from the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. The stress chemicals created through the fear response. It is designed to create a discomfort. This discomfort creates a motivation to act by running away from or fighting the perceived threat. This is fine if it is a physical threat, but not so good when it comes from an emotional threat.

Here are some symptoms of PANIC ATTACK:

panic attack symptoms

As soon as we react to the anxiety by seeing this as a threat we begin to feed it. The thoughts create more uncomfortable feelings and the feeling create more fearful thoughts. Stuck in this cycle of uncomfortable feelings creating more fearful thoughts and fearful thoughts creating more uncomfortable feelings the mind is soon overwhelmed. The fear of having a panic attack will start to bring it on.

The basis of the problem is the anxiety in the first place. Anxiety can come from a habitual way of looking at some things in a fearful way. It is the brilliance of the mind and the problem with it. Teach the mind how to drive a can and you don’t need to think about it – It happens automatically. Teach the mind how to see things in a fearful way and this too can become a habit. It will usually take four to six weeks to change habit patterns of the mind. Anxiety and panic attacks are just programs installed in the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy is a good way to reprogram the mind and resolve these issues.

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