Anxiety is created through the flight or fight response. The mind perceives a threat and releases chemicals in the body that make us feel uncomfortable. This discomfort in turn creates action by running from the threat or fighting it.
This may be appropriate if the threat is real and physical such as an attack from a wild animal, which would have been the case for our ancestors. But when the threats are imaginary or emotional, this response creates only problems.
There are three basic emotional fears conditioned into us from birth.
The want for approval is the fear that we won’t get the approval we seek. Social anxiety and fear of public speaking has it foundation in this fear. We can’t get one person’s approval all the time and psychologically speaking, about 20% of people probably wont like us for one reason or another.
The want for control is the fear that we don’t have control of things or others in our life. Being upset about poor weather or frustrated in traffic jams are typical examples of the want for control. Anger, impatience, and frustration all have the want for control as the root cause. The fear of flying is the feeling that you have no control once the hatch closes.
The want for security is the fear we might lose something, be it a relationship, income, job or assets. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes. All relationships end because we all die. Jobs come and go. Feeling insecure stops us enjoying what we have now.
Once anxiety kicks in we don’t like the feeling. Now we want to control the feeling and that want for control is like putting fuel on the fire. It’s a fear of the fear.
It takes four to six week to change habit patterns of the mind and resolve most anxiety issues. Visit our Anxiety Clinic & lead a stress free life!
Write to our: Anxiety Hypnotherapy Melbourne today!
About our Hypnotherapist
Tony Gilmour is an author and physiotherapist who specializes in hypnosis treatment & counseling for anxiety, quit smoking, weight loss, panic attacks,insomnia, phobias, social anxiety, fear of flying and fear of public speaking.
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