Anger management and the chimp Ever lost your temper and about an hour or so later regret your behaviour and what you said. What if I told you it was the chimp part of the mind, the limbic system that created the problem. For simplicity, let’s divide the mind into three areas. Although not technically […]
What is human consciousness ?
Human Consciousness Choose a pleasant memory from the past and think about it. Do you see yourself in that memory? Probably, but you couldn’t see yourself at the time of the event, you were looking though your own eyes. The mind constructs the memory and places you in it. It’s a construction not an actual […]
Tragic to Magic
Tragic to Magic In writing my book “Tragic to Magic”, Anger, anxiety, depression or happiness, it’s a choice. I was using William Glaser’s choice theory as a foundation. Glasser suggests we have five genetic human needs. Our need for love and connection, our need for empowerment (a feeling that we are important to people: that […]
Quit Smoking
Quit smoking Most smokers think that to quit smoking is hard. If you think it is had it is hard, if you think it is easy it is easy. What you are telling yourself it usually is. The cravings to smoke come from the mind not chemicals in the body. The want to smoke is […]