Human Consciousness
Choose a pleasant memory from the past and think about it. Do you see yourself in that memory? Probably, but you couldn’t see yourself at the time of the event, you were looking though your own eyes. The mind constructs the memory and places you in it. It’s a construction not an actual memory. Picture the country you live in. You are probably seeing a map. A map is an analogy of the country not the territory. We see the cities and roads, but they are just lines and dots.
Only after language developed to the point that we could create analogies and metaphors were we able to construct and analogy of the world we see in the mind. Also creating an analogy of ourselves operating in this world and becoming self-conscious. Our language is the foundation of the world we see. Add to this the different beliefs from our life experience, which becomes a filter in the way we see the world, and we can see that no two people will see the world in the same way.
The mind works like a google search based on the instructions you are giving it.
If I say to myself “my life is shit” which is what one client said at his first appointment with me. The mind googles all the things that agree with this statement and deletes out everything that you have in your life to be grateful for.
When you wake for the day your consciousness opens up, and when you sleep, consciousness disappears. This world only exists for you and through your consciousness. You are the centre of your own world which would indicate that you are the main creator of it.
If we see this world as your own personal movie, with you as the main actor. Your self-talk (instructions to the mind) is the narrative to the movie. The narrative creates the fantasy which in turn creates our reality. What type of movie are you creating? Adventure, comedy or drama. Your narrative is self-hypnosis, self-suggestion.
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